

  • unisex-premium-t-shirt-black-front-6032930ea23e5

Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt: Arrow


SKU: SK1776-1 Category:


Brent is wearing this shirt right now, and I’m having a hard time writing a product description because he’s kind of sexy, and it is off putting. Brad just flicked Brent’s nipple with a vengeance, but Brent didn’t seem to care. I need more coffee, and then I could write a better product description. Shirt, shirt, shirt. Hmmm. It has a logo on it. It’s dope? Start with that–the shirt is dope. Nah. That’s lame. Hmmm. I need to let people know how badass this shirt is. Man, I was onto something, but Brad started talking about being ashy and went to his truck to get lotion. What does he use that lotion in his truck for? Okay, I’m tired. I’ll come back to this product description later before the website is up.

Additional information

Weight 20 oz
Dimensions 6 × 4 × 2 in

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