Episode 664: David Bowie: Grandfather of Glam

On this episode of The Sofa King Podcast, we talk about the Grandfather of Glam, David Bowie. He was hands down one of the most important artists of his life time, experimenting with every new style of music and instrument out there. He was one of the main influencers on the androgyny of the 1980s, and his most famous persona, Ziggy Stardust, was a creature that made fun of itself. He was an often obsessed artists who would create a bizarre musical character and inhabit it on and off stage (even hiding his urine from wizards at one point. Honestly.). Listen to this one as we talk about one of the greatest singer songwriters of all time.


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Bowie and Crosby Video

Ferrel and Reilly Video

Cool Bowie Video

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