On this episode of, The Sofa King Podcast we peel back the blinds and howl at the moon as we undress each other and talk about Werewolves.Come witness the tales of modern-day werewolf hunters, some history lessons on the Burning Times, Castle Times, and scratch a shared itch as we try to figure out why South America has Wereopposum legends and myths.

We take a look at a few different regions and their werewolf beliefs and traditions and discuss a handful of 30,000 executions that happened in France where much like witches the accused werewolf was tortured and burned at the stake.

Did you know that Lapland has Werereindeer? No? Then come learn a thing or two and explore with us the history and myths surrounding one of the earliest tales of man and monster.

We also discover that Terry (who we invited onto the podcast to fill in for Dave out of the goodness of our hearts) hasn’t ever truly listened to a single episode of the podcast.

Come witness the wild ways of the werewolf and also witness the firing of our first guest host as we dive deep into the lunacy of the Lycanthrope.

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