Episode 446: Modern Day UFOs: Military Mysteries

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On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we explore some of the most reliable UFO cases in modern history. There are hundreds of sightings out there, so we wanted to focus on ones that had the most eye witnesses or had a lot of military backing. We settled on three cases that were pretty big and hard to dispute and were all confirmed by the US Military. They said this stuff happened, but they denied any alien involvement or explanation.
First, we cover the strange case of Ludlow Air Force Base in 1975. This one involves multiple radar contacts, dozens of witnesses, unmarked helicopters, Canadian Mounties, and nuclear bombs! For two days a cigar shaped craft (or 2 different crafts) hovered over this airbase, and it was made known all the way back to the Pentagon. It’s from back in the day, but it is largely considered one of the most confirmed UFO sightings of all time.
The next two were revealed to the world by the New York Times in 2017, when they uncovered a government project called AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program). It was the modern day equivalent of Project Blue Book and ran from 2007 to 2012, and it captured footage of some pretty wild aerial encounters. They call them unidentified aerial phenomena because of the negative connotation of UFO, but they tracked several.
One was a video called the Tic-Tac or “Go Fast” encounter. In it, a pilot tracks a strange cigar shaped craft using advanced radar systems. It was part of the a weird encounter with the USS Nimitz group that lasted for several days. They were tracking some sort of craft, and it culminated with a video (see links below).
Another AATIP encounter was with US Airforce F18 jet, and it was called the Gimbal Video. It shows a strange top-like object that spins on its axis and was seen to double the max speed of any known aircraft. Most disturbingly, a pilot on the official cockpit video says there is a whole fleet of them down there! So, download this one, look to the skies, and enjoy these tales of UFOS.
Visit Our Sources:
Tic Tac: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=105&v=wxVRg7LLaQA&feature=emb_logo
Loring AFB Documents: http://www.all-hazards.com/loring/legends/assort1_ufo.pdf