Episode 284: Prescott Bush: Pulling the Strings of Presidents

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On this episode of The Sofa King Podcast, we do the whole biography thing on the grandfather of an American dynasty, Mr. Prescott Bush. Prescott Bush is the father of President George H.W. Bush and the grandfather of President George W Bush. He was a businessman, politician, power broker, Skull and Bones Man, and possible Nazi collaborator. If there happens to be an Illuminati run by a race of power-hoarding lizard people, Prescott Bush is a member.
Born in 1895, Prescott lived through the highest heights of American wealth and the lowest lows of the American depression. He followed in the footsteps of his own father and entered Yale and became a member of the notorious Skull and Bones. Indeed, rumor has it that he and people in his class broke into a graveyard and stole the skull of Geronimo, which sits in the bowels of the Bones house to this day. After that, he spent time in World War two and got into intelligence work. From there, he came back to the states and started his life as a business mogul and politician. Working in Intelligence, big business, and the government pretty much set the path that all Bushes would follow in future generations.
Once World War Two was starting, Prescott Bush was one of the founding members of an international bank that was owned by and helped launder money for one Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was a Nazi. I mean a super Nazi. I mean, the main financier for the rise of Nazi power, the architect of the Nazi war machine through his steel and coal plants, the main backer of Adolf Hitler, and even the guy responsible for creating the poison gas used in concentration camps. All evidence suggests that Prescott Bush knew all of this and kept dealing with him through the war.
Oh, and then there was the time Grandpa Bush tried to overthrow the American presidency with a rebel army backed by the wealthiest families in the country. Well, he never got prosecuted for either of these attempts to control the world, but the jokes on us. He pretty much ruled the world anyway when his descendants starting running the United States intelligence apparatus and became president a couple of times.