Episode 615: The Amish: A Perfectly Strange Religion

On this episode of the world famous Sofa King Podcast, we look at the Amish. This uniquely American religious sect is most common in Pennsylvania but found throughout the Midwest. They famously avoid all technology, including electricity and the cell phone, but even down to running faucets for their baths. One thing they are famous for is a rite of passage called a Rumspringa. It allows teens to experience the world and get their freak on, partying, drinking, and doing things the church forbids. Once that is done, they get baptized in the local Amish church and leave the heathen world behind. From barn raising to the Ordnung laws and the truth of the Amish Mafia, this one has it all!


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Meet the Amish 1 of 4 – First experience on an aeroplane – YouTube

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